
Are you looking for products for a certain process? We have solutions. Refer to our detailed process diagrams located within each industry section to identify the products that will serve your needs.

Food and Beverage

The larger picture, first. The global food and beverages industry is made up of many segments, including groceries, oils and fats, food additives, functional foods and beverages, packaged foods, health and natural foods, canned food, baked food, baby food, animal food, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, energy drinks, and packaging.

The industry is driven by consumer demand for more nutritious food and better packaging, which also spurs technology advances in the field. Today, pasteurisation, high-pressure processing, UV treatment, and nanotechnology are influencing the industry. A concern for the environment has led to the use of more recycled material for packaging.

Food and Beverage

Food and Beverage

The growth of the food and beverages industry is propelled mainly by developing countries such as India, China, and Brazil, as the economies of these nations improve and more people are lifted into the middle class.


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Water and Wastewater

The global water & wastewater treatment market to reach USD 674.72 billion by 2025, driven by the rising demand for freshwater for drinking, industrialization and agriculture. Treated water is suitable for various end-uses such as river flow maintenance, drinking, the supply of industrial water and irrigation.

Water & wastewater treatment processes such as softening, deodorization and purification make the water more useful and potable. Asia Pacific was the largest market accounting for 43.9% of the revenue share in 2016. It is anticipated to gain momentum over the forecast period on account of the growing demand for filtered water for various applications.

Water and Wastewater

Water and Wastewater

Water treatment systems are either installed at the point of use or the point of entry. However, as drinking water is a vital priority for the population, the residential sector contributes significantly towards the development of water treatment market as compared to the industrial and commercial sector.


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Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

The pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry produces drugs and other products that help people and animals live healthier lives, recover from injuries, and fight illnesses. From its humble origins in local pharmacies and apothecaries that prepared “home remedies” during the Middle Ages, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology (or pharma/biotech) industry has grown into one of the leading industries in the world today. In the United States it is the third most profitable industry in terms of percentage of revenues, is home to cutting-edge biological and chemical research, and offers opportunities for people across a wide spectrum of careers from scientists, physicians, and engineers to marketing and sales workers and human resources professionals.

Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Pharma/biotech companies produce three types of products: prescription therapeutics and prophylactics (drugs that treat or cure medical conditions or diseases and vaccines that prevent diseases), diagnostics (devices and tests used to diagnose disease), and over-the-counter consumer products, such as drugs and vitamins. Some experts also place medical technology (medtech) manufacturing under the umbrella of the pharma/biotech industry.


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Plastics and Packaging

Owing to its increasing usage across a wide range of industries such as food & beverage, healthcare, cosmetics, and other consumer goods, plastic packaging has become an essential, with its usage growing broadly in line with the global economy. Growth in the demand from retail industry, increasing dual-income households, rising demand for PET bottles in soft drinks and bottled water markets are the factors driving the market. In 2016, around 485 billion PET bottles were produced worldwide, and it is forecasted that it would reach 583.3 billion in 2021. Moreover, rising need for increased shelf life and consumer preferences towards convenient packing solutions, consistent substitution of traditional metal, glass materials in food and other markets, increasing incursions by packaging into food markets, such as in the case of meat, fish, and poultry products are further positively impacting the market. However, government regulations concerning the environmental safety are hampering the spread of plastic packaging.

Plastics and Packaging

Plastics and Packaging

Factors, such as the rising disposable income, increased consumer spending, and growing population will boost the demand for consumer goods, which will support the growth of plastic packaging market in the emerging economies of Asia-Pacific. Moreover, the high demand for processed and packaged food due to improving lifestyle and consumer spending is also contributing to the growth of the market. Furthermore, growth from India, China, and Indonesia drives Asia-Pacific to lead packaging demand in the global beauty and personal care industry. Manufacturers launch in innovative pack formats, sizes, and functionality with leading pack types of squeezable plastic tubes, glass and PET in response to consumer demand for convenience. With the growth in oral, skin care, niche categories such as men’s grooming and baby care, Asia-Pacific is both an exciting and challenging region for packaging manufacturers.


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Industrial Furnaces

The purpose of an industrial furnace is to attain a higher processing temperature in comparison to open-air systems, as well as the efficiency gains of a closed system. Industrial furnaces typically deal with temperatures higher than 400 degrees Celsius.

An industrial furnace is an equipment used to provide heat for a process or can serve as reactor which provides heats of reaction. Furnace designs vary as to its function, heating duty, type of fuel and method of introducing combustion air.

Industrial Furnaces

Industrial Furnaces

Heat is generated by an industrial furnace by mixing fuel with air or oxygen, or from electrical energy. The residual heat will exit the furnace as flue gas.


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Chemical & Fartilizer

Chemical Fertilizers Industry played a significant role in making Green Revolution a success in India. The different raw materials needed for Chemical fertilizers company are available in India.

At present, India is the third largest producer and consumer of chemical fertilizers in the world. Mainly two kinds of fertilizers are produced in India: 1. nitrogen based 2. Phosphorous based. however, the production of Potash based fertilizer is quite limited due to lack of raw-materials, the deficiency of Nitrogen in the Indian alluvial soils.

Chemical Fertilizers

Chemical & Fartilizer

First factory to manufacture nitrogenous fertilizers was established at Ranipet in Tamil Nadu in 1906 but after the independence, in 1961, the process of development decentralization began with the setting up of the fertilizers corporation of India.


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TheMarine sector is a significant industry in its own right, as well as a major service provider to other industries and a major contributor to the economy through both manufactured products and services.

Different firms are recognised as a world leader in the design of large, high-speed, multi-hull aluminium vessels. In addition, the sector also has strengths in the production of steel made vessels, catamarans and in the design of environmental friendly and efficient vessels.



The different Department engaged to prepare a report on world’s current marine industry capability and its contribution to the national economy. The report will assist the department’s consideration of issues relating to the sector. To ensure information remains current, the department will continue to review and engage with the sector.


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Oil and Gas

The largest volumes of products of the oil and gas industry are fuel oil and gasoline (petrol). Petroleum is the primary material for a multitude of chemical products, including pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, solvents and plastics. Petroleum is therefore integral to many industries, and is of critical importance to many nations as the foundation of their industries.

The oil and gas industry can be broken down into three key areas: Upstream, midstream and downstream.

Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas

What is upstream? - The upstream component is also referred to as the E&P (exploration and exploration). This involves the search for underwater and underground natural gas fields or crude oil fields and the drilling of exploration wells and drilling into established wells to recover oil and gas.


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Pulp and Paper

The pulp and paper industry comprises companies that use wood as raw material and produce pulp, paper, paperboard and other cellulose-based products. The pulp is fed to a paper machine where it is formed as a paper web and the water is removed from it by pressing and drying.

Pressing the sheet removes the water by force. Once the water is forced from the sheet, a special kind of felt, which is not to be confused with the traditional one, is used to collect the water. Whereas, when making paper by hand, a blotter sheet is used instead.

Pulp and Paper

Pulp and Paper

Drying involves using air or heat to remove water from the paper sheets. In the earliest days of paper making, this was done by hanging the sheets like laundry. In more modern times, various forms of heated drying mechanisms are used. On the paper machine, the most common is the steam heated can dryer


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Oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is transformed and refined into more useful products such as petroleum naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas, jet fuel and fuel oils. Petrochemicals feed stock like ethylene and propylene can also be produced directly by cracking crude oil without the need of using refined products of crude oil such as naphtha. Oil refineries are typically large, sprawling industrial complexes with extensive piping running throughout, carrying streams of fluids between large chemical processing units, such as distillation columns. In many ways, oil refineries use much of the technology of, and can be thought of, as types of chemical plants.



The crude oil feedstock has typically been processed by an oil production plant. There is usually an oil depot at or near an oil refinery for the storage of incoming crude oil feedstock as well as bulk liquid products.


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Typical activities in the sector include metals production, metals trading, and metals investing. The majority of revenues are a direct result of these activities. Metals have a wide range of uses, and extraction increases as market demand grows. Industrial and jewelry uses grow as economic activity grows, while a slowed economy typically increases the use of precious metals for investment purposes. Minerals also have a heavy industrial use and are increasingly mined when economic demand necessitates mining growth.

Mining Metal Meniral


The metals and mining sector is the industry dedicated to the location and extraction of metal and mineral reserves around the world. Global reserves of metals and minerals are mined for profit and then used in jewelry-making, industrial applications, and investments. The sector has a significant number of companies located around the world and operates with large revenues.


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Petrochemical Industry

Petrochemicals (also known as petroleum distillates) are chemical products derived from petroleum. Some chemical compounds made from petroleum are also obtained from other fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas, or renewable sources such as corn, palm fruit or sugar cane.


Petrochemical Industry

Petrochemical plants convert natural resources such as crude oil, natural gas, ores and minerals into products for a wide range of applications. They produce many important building blocks for industry processes, including ethylene, propylene, butadiene, and aromatics.


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Process Automation

To operate machinery, industrial Automation companies use control systems, which help to finish a particular process. Using automation machines, labour usage will be reduced. On the other hand, it also helps to enhance the quality, precision and accuracy of systems. Industries such as mechanical, airplanes, hydraulics, computers and many others have been using the automation.

Process Automation

Process Automation

Industrial Automation machines assist to simplify the tasks and they (robots) can be operated in the most dangerous situations where a man cannot be capable to do. This is the reason why they have gained a prominent place in the industries.


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Power Generation

A characteristic of electricity is that it is not a primary energy freely present in nature in remarkable amounts and it must be produced. Production is carried out in power stations (also called "power plants"). Electricity is most often generated at a power plant by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kinetic energy of flowing water and wind. Other energy sources include solar photovoltaics and geothermal power.

Power Generation

Power Generation

Electricity generation is the process of generating electric power from sources of primary energy. For electric utilities in the electric power industry, it is the first stage in the delivery of electricity to end users, the other stages being transmission, distribution, energy storage and recovery, using pumped-storage method.


Nuvision offer ideas and solution for Brewery industry.

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Nuvision offer ideas and solution for Dairy industry.

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