
The rigorous demands of your process operations require you to have reliable, accurate devices that give you the measurements you need. Nuvision delivers field-proven technologies that can handle the toughest conditions or Measured value transducer and hygrostats, Controller, Paperless recorder, Pen recorders, Indicators.

Liquid Analysis

Liquid Analysis

We provide online chemical analysis systems for complete process control.

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FLow Measurement

Flow Measurement

Achieve Precision Flow Measurement and Process Control.

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Pressure Measurement

Pressure Measurement

This is particularly true for pressure sensor technology, because we produce both the pressure sensor

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Temperature Measurement


Nuvision is Leading Suppliers of durable, high-quality, precision RTD temperature

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Recorder instrumentation


Multiple versions of the Recorders are available for process data recording.

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Level Measurement instrumentation

Level Measurement

Our wide range of devices for liquids and solids measurement covers the whole spectrum

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Indicator and Controller

Indicator and Control

Automatic process control in continuous production processes is a combination of control engineering

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A control valve is a valve used to control fluid flow by varying the size

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Drive Inverter Instrument

Drive and Inverter

When operated from a constant frequency power source (typically 60Hz)

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Gas Analyzer instrumentation

Gas Analyzers

Analyzing air pollution is the first step toward preserving a clean atmospheric environment.

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Gauges instrumentation


Pressure measurement is the analysis of an applied force by a fluid (liquid or gas) on a surface

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Instruments Control Panels instrumentation

Instruments Control Panels

In a process control industries, wide range of process control instruments are used

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